
My sitter upper

"sitting up" with a nice lean. LOL YAY!

Jayce's tail that freaked out Jocelyn. Classic!
Pretty boring day today. We went to work to eat lunch with Jeff, my dad and my sister. Jocelyn was being a hambone at Cottage Inn while we ate. She is really attracted to the lights in there and she decided they needed to be screeched at. :)
Then we came back to work, Joss ate some applesauce, and we stayed there for a few hours. Now we're home and Miss Peatree is sacked out in her swing. I think we're going to get icecream a little later over at Cascades.


I'm feeling educational.

A few pictures from today....and a pool picture from Saturday. And a trip down memory lane.

Jocelyn is finally being a "big girl". She takes one nap in her swing (that is such my lifesaver) and one nap in her crib. Every day before I lay her down I fix her sheet so it's tight again....but everytime I go in there it's all ruffled up from her tugging on it. Oh well, at least she's not sleeping with a huge blanket like my mom used to do with me. GOSH. haha Isn't it crazy how just over the 22 years I have been alive things are constantly "not good" for babies anymore. My mom was telling me the other day that when I was a baby, we slept on our bellies. With blankets. And bumpers. And for God Sakes....a stuffed animal. And now everyone is all SIDS this SIDS that. No blankets, firm mattress, fitted sheets, no animals, no nothing. I'm interested in seeing a study done on tummy sleep vs back sleep corrolating with SIDS. Just to see how big the number margin is in crib deaths related to both. Sounds kinda morbid huh? The reason I say Jocelyn is being a big girl is...she used to sleep in her Papasan in her crib. Before we found out she was lactose intollerant she used to choke on her formula. No spitting up, just violent, sent to the ER choking. Scared the crap out of me. So, I wanted her to sleep on an incline. Figured the best thing was the Papasan seat. Plus that way I could snuggle her in it, with blankets under the cushions so she couldn't pull them out and suffocate yet she still felt snuggled/secured like she was still in utero. Anyways, Jocelyn slept in her Papasan until her 6 month birthday. Then I figured since her feet hung off the edge. It was time to give it up. Happy Half Birthday Chick! LOL She is doing really good sleeping through the night, in her sleepsack, without the Papasan. I'm proud of her. :)

My little pod. As Jeff oh so lovingly calls her. Man, she was sooooo small. I was going through the millions of pictures I have and ran across this one. So precious.

Another study that I would like to do is a preemie study. Having to do with the NICU and the drawers in there that close themselves, which causes a slamming noise, which startles all the babies in their Isolettes. One of my friends had a daughter who stayed in the NICU for 8 days. She startled very easily. And to this day drawers startle her. She is almost 5. But it's only certain things. Like a drawer catching itself to the point of where it draws in by itself creating a semi slamming noise. Or else someone sneezing. But then the vacuum isn't an issue. Or a door slamming. Or loud music. Or the hair dryer. Jocelyn startles very easily. She was in the NICU for 8 days also. It was sad when we were in there b/c a drawer would catch itself and EVERY baby would do a full body startle like OMG what is going on!? I've been searching for studies on this but have had no luck. If anyone is bored and wants to try to find information on preemies being easily startled and send it to me...cool. If not, I may just do the study myself.

"Well bless your heart."

Today Jocelyn, Jeff, and I went for a second opinion on Jocelyn's head size. And OMG can you believe it??? She's fine!

I like to pride myself with the fact that I am one of the most together, researchive, and organized people I know. :) I would make a pretty good lawyer with the way I presented my case of "the oversized head" to Dr. Keeton today. I came prepared with all the symptoms of hydrocephalus, pictures of me when I was a baby, and my whole immediate family's head measurements. Hahaha. And holy cow, Dr. Keeton said " Well, bless your heart. You are one of the most researchive mom's I know." So, on that note, we are going to have xrays done of her head in a few days, just because her sutures are kind of uneven in the back, but she said that most likely it is from the "sleepy baby syndrome" aka being 6 weeks early and doing nothing but sleeping on her back. :) So far so good today.

I figured with all the drama that came with my opinion of "how police do their job" that I would tell you lovely blog readers a story. About Jackson Police. And how much I love them. And yes, ANON, Im being serious. I know many many of Jackson's ex and current Police Force. Some of them are my friends and some are my relatives. Anywho...back to my story.

Some of you may be able to relate to this story, some may wonder what the heck I'm talking about. But anyways, I LOVE cars. Honda's in particular. No, not the "riced out" FNF cars that just look nice and have fartcans on them.....the one's that go fast and beat Domestics (WOOO). Particularly the one's that my husband has owned. He is also a car guy. Honda's in particular. And it was all because of a Jackson Cop that me and Jeff met each other. For those of you who had the pleasure of "cruising the Ave" and hanging out at the edge of Meijer's on E. Michigan before the police started cracking down on the Ave cruising and Meijer's stopped letting us hang out there.....it was a BLAST. Well, one night I was hanging out with my friends (guys yes, remember I'm a car girl) and we all stopped at Meijer's. Then this shaggy haired blonde guy comes cruisin' up in a Black 94 Honda Del Sol. He for sure caught my eye. But of course, I'm shy so I didn't say anything to him...plus I knew his younger brother and he was an ass to me ALL THE TIME when he used to hang out with my friend, Sarah. Anyways, this cop came up to our group of like 30 people and told us to get in a line, he was handing out loitering tickets. I thought it was a joke, because him and his partner were laughing. But obviously, they were laughing because they just hit paydirt! LOL This cop is the SUPER tall guy that has to drive the Suburban because he doesn't fit comfortably in the patrol cars. I swear, he's very close to 7 feet tall. When he handed me my ticket he handed it straight out....which was like....at the top of my head! HAHHA Anyways, Jeff's friend Adam gave me a piece of gum while I was waiting, Jeff started getting lippy with the cops, so I told him to be quiet and the cop told him to go sit in his car and wait for his ticket. (Good job Jeff, always pissing off authority) So, after we all got our tickets everyone started heading back home. Jeff was getting gas in front of Meijer, so I decided to be brave and invite him over to hang out. He came over, the next day we went to play paintball, and we've been together ever since!! Awwwww.....yay. How cute huh?

Well, here's the kicker. Jeff and I got married on May 28th 2005, Saturday. On Sunday we took his new Honda (Green 4dr Civic aka "FAST4DR as his license plate said) out in town just to see if anyone we knew was out and about. They were. At Meijer's of course just to meet up before we went to Lansing. So, Jeff and I got out to get some snacks at the gas station and see where in Lansing we were going. Not even 3 minutes after we got out of the car, THE SAME COP 4 years ago, pulled into Meijer in his Suburban and got out to talk to us. Did the general "What you guys up to?" etc etc....and I just HAD to tell him about how he gave all of us loitering tickets 4 years ago....how I met Jeff due to it...and how we're married now. So, I said thankyou because I met the most wonderful guy ever because of him. :) The end. LOL

See, I do like Jackson Policemen/women. They do a good job protecting Jtown. And giving out loitering tickets to hellians like me. ;) And they are pretty good match makers too! The only cop that I DON'T like is David Hoffius. And that's because he was "too cool" to date me in High School. But as soon as I got cute after HS he thought I might make a good girlfriend....too bad his other police buddy had already set up me and Jeffory James!!! LOL

PS: I never said that I didn't think that guy should have been taken down like that. I just thought it was wild to see that in Jackson, in the middle of the day, in town. I was pretty much in disbelief because like I said....I've only seen that shit on TV!!!


On a lighter note

Remember how my teeth were killing me yesterday? The pain is gone. YAY! Today is going to be a great day. :) I am off to feed the small monster I have beside me. LOL More to post later I am sure.


Flowers, Rainbows, and Jackson Cops.

This flower is from a house that Jeff and I really really realllllllly like. (Do you think I stressed the liking enough?) It's on McCain Rd. like 100 ft from our condo entrance. Super big, on an acre of land, 3 car garage (Jeff was stoked), needs a few minor fixes-like taking out the builtin shelves in the living room-fixing the floor in the kitchen-removing wallpaper and the floor in the kitchen is 1/2 tile/wood. Odd, but I figured it was like that b/c the previous owners had a large kitchen table and didn't want the weight of it to crack the tile?? Since the wood is only in the area where a table would be. Here's a few pictures from the listing site. Right now it's at 163K but it's been on the market for almost a year without any price reductions. Hmm...This is a sitting area/workshop off the back of the house. There is also a Sun room that is the perfect fit/screened in for a HOTTUB ;)
My 2 exciting moments of the day:
I was sitting at the light waiting to turn onto Wisner by Shaw's Furniture and I saw 3 State Police and 1 County Sheriff pull over this Maxima. They proceeded to draw their guns out, stand behind their doors, and yell for the driver to get out of the car. They put him in handcuffs nicely but the passenger wasn't so lucky. He got ripped out of the car, thrown on the ground, and a knee in his back while they cuffed him. WOW! And to think my naiive little mind only thought that happened on COPS. LMAO (Just kidding) Now I get to mark off one more thing that I needed to do before I die...witness a rough convict take down. YESSS! Cheeeeeeck!
Mentioning Shaw's Furniture...was anyone lucky enough to see the tall gumpy Napoleon Dynamite lookin' guy that stood on the corner wearing the Shaw's Furniture sign while jamming to his iPod? OMG. He was a spittin' image of ND and the other day he was listening to something really good b/c he was finger wavin' (like in a 'un uh no you didn't!!' sort of way) and doing some little wave/moonwalk thing with his eyes closed. Jeff was laughing so hard he was crying. He told me to go back and tell him he was doing a great job attracting people to Shaw's. I was having a really bad day before I saw that guy...he made my day worthwhile. LOL

I'm pretty sick of this crapola weather we have going on. Yesterday was nasty. Today was cold. But after all the showers yesterday I got some decent pictures of the aftermath. A double rainbow! Well, it was a full rainbow that was really bright to begin with, but by the time I got home and got my camera it had dwindled down to a little half rainbow and a barely visible second rainbow. Oh well, that first picture is pretty neat.
So, I've come to realize I have really let myself go. Ya, I know..those of you who just recently met me are like WTF is she talking about...but seriously, I used to be in such good shape. All toned and semi athletic looking, perfect makeup, tan, bleach blonde hair, etc. *Sigh. I had a divine intervention last night and decided to bleach my teeth with AquaFresh Whitening Trays. OMG what a mistake. Holy HELL! Those things kill your teeth. I have veeeeeeerrrrrryyyy sensitive teeth but I read some good reviews and decided they seemed like the best option. First of all, I brushed my teeth before I put them on (seemed like a good idea) but the peroxide in the trays got into the small cuts that any toothbrush will leave on your gums and turned them WHITE! AGH. I about died. Last night wasn't that bad, my gums were kinda sore and my teeth just felt like I had icecream a few hours before...a slow dull ache. So I thought 'I can deal with this'. This morning was another story. Put the trays in....took them out 15 minutes later due to the massive burning/feeling of a mouthful of icewater was permanently in my mouth. Let's just say, all day I was in tears and fighting the urge to puke because the pain was so awful. I spent the day with baby Orajel in my mouth and 4 tylenol in my system every 4 hours. I was still miserable. Anyways, I am just now getting over the pain (I managed to eat some cheerios). Please be advised that those things are not meant for ANYONE with even semi sensitive teeth. Egh.
Now I'm off to go watch some TV and think about exercising. I have no motivation, if you can't tell. Hahaha.


Pool party for 2 please. Oh, and 1 kitty, too.

First off, Les thanks so much for the kiddie pool insight. I have a feeling it will be the most well spent $4.23 this summer. :)
My little mermaid.
Jocelyn, Jeff, and I went to Meijer on his lunch break to pick up a baby pool today. I figured it would be a more inexpensive way of getting Joss ready for the lake than taking swimming lessons at the YMCA. Plus something about that place grosses me out! Probably the fact of how you must shower before you even get out of the locker room, then walk dripping wet without shoes on to the pool, and there are SO many people that swim in it all day long. Yuck. I guess I prefer fishy poo filled lakes vs. wet tile and possible foot fungus from God know's what is on that floor. LOL Ever since I got some type of foot fungi from summer camp and being at the pool I have a phobia against anything that may lead to it. Yeah, I know, I'm weird.

Anyways, after hanging out at work for about an hour, Jocelyn and I made it home. We had a quick lunch then filled up the pool! Do you know how long that takes without having a hose? Or a bucket? Hahaha. I am so not prepared. I used a flower vase. 6 vases later we had about 4 inches of water so I called it good for now.
And the verdict is....She loves it! I figured with so little water she could lay on her belly and kick. So I said. "Kick kick kick!!!" and she would then she would splash her hands and laugh. Nowaday, everything goes into the mouth for further Jocelyn Examination. Including the water in the pool. She splashed, realized it moved, and attacked it with her mouth. So funny! The first mouth attack was a sneek attack. She acts like she isn't interested, then just dives in for the kill! That one resulted in a sneeze from the water getting by her nose. But the second was carefully planned. She slowly lowered her head, opened her mouth, and was "chewing"/skimming the water. The whole time I'm trying not to laugh and startle her.

Today we reached a milestone for Miss Jocelyn or J Fae as my sister calls her. She sat up by herself! In her pool! For more than just a few seconds, while moving her head around to look at the kitties. I got so excited. And I also got a picture. YAY!

Look at that!! I'm so proud. She's been working on it for awhile but she finally got it today :)

Well, here are some more pics from our swimming adventure. Enjoy! Jayce decided Joss needed to be licked since she was wet. And Joss decided Jayce needs some hair pulled out. LOL Wrinkle feet. Sooo cute.Telling me all about how much she loves to swim.And finally, a smile for momma. ;)