

Why do people ALWAYS invite me to hang out when I can't?

It's like everyone knows that I am at work until next Friday and can't do anything, so they call to ask me to do something just so they can "Say" that they wanted to hang out but knew I wouldn't be able to so they didn't have to. UGH it makes me so mad.

And every one of my friends KNOWS for a FACT that I feed Jocelyn at 12-4-8pm yet they ALWAYS call wanting to chat forever right at 4 or 4:15...it's so aggrivating. Then they get mad and say "I'm pissed at them" because I say I can't talk and I will call them back. Yeah, I may not call back until 5:30 or so, but you try talking to someone who wants to chat forever with a 4 month old who wants your attention then see why I get mad when you call me right when she is eating. Sorry about the rant...but this endlessly happens...and it makes me sooooo angry.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ugh! Pretty irritating. I get so irritated by people LOL. I'd be mad that they ask you to do stuff when they know you work... DUH!! LOL. As far as the feeding thing, man... when Porter ate that was my time to either talk on the phone or watch my shows... his mouth was plugged and I had silence for half an hour. HAHA!