
Why doesn't anyone believe me???

I had a HUGE head when I was Jocelyn's age. That is why I think she is FINE. Her US came back fine, she acts fine, her head size matches her chest size which is normal for a 6 month old-2 yr old, she isn't lathargic, she eats fine, she isn't fussy, her soft spot doesn't buldge. It is in fact getting smaller!
Me at 6 monthsMe at 8 monthsMe at almost a year. My cousin behind me is 6 YEARS older than me. My head is wayyyy bigger than hers. And she had thick hair!!! Jocelyn's head at 6 months.
Here are some pictures to prove that I'm not a bad mother. And that I seriously don't see the problem. I know, EVERYONE is sick of hearing about this but do you know how sick I am of hearing it from my pediatrician?? Dr. Rouse you can kiss my butt b/c I think you're full of poo.
On top of that, that lady had the nerve to YELL at me. "How dare you take your child off her medicine. You NEVER DO ANYTHING like that without my prior consent!" Circumstances: Jocelyn has an irritated ear, was put on Amoxicillin, started blowing out her diapers every hour, stopped eating, no wet diapers for a whole day, and it was SUNDAY. Obviously, she wasn't in the office on Sunday. So I took her off the Amox, figured it would be fine for two days because her checkup was scheduled for Tuesday, and then thought that if she needed to still be on meds for her ear that I would get a different prescription. Turns out her ear was fine (HAHA) and that it was just irritated from her teething. (I guess the swelling of gums can travel all the way back thru the jaw to the ear canal wow)


You make my life worthwhile...

When all I have to do is look at you and you smile like I am the greatest thing in the world.
How I can think back to the day I had you. How tiny you were and how I wished you could come home with me.
How hard and diligent everyone prayed for you to be ok...and you were.
How fragile your life was. When the same day you were born, your future boyfriend/playmate passed away because he was 10 weeks early. You weren't far behind at 6.
The first time I felt like we were a family. I was feeding you in Special Care and your daddy was watching Prison Break, we looked at each other and everything felt perfect.
When you came home, I sat all day and held you while you slept.
How I love to peek in on you when you are sound asleep, just to hear your baby snores.
How you were so small in your Papasan and now your feet hang off the edge.
When you try to to be a big girl and lift your head to watch The Backyardigans. But you get tired after a few minutes and lay down on your stuffed animals when you think I'm not watching.
When I feed you on a "closed eye" feeding and you play with my hair.
How you love to watch me do my hair and makeup in the morning.
How you think its funny to worm around nakey so I can't get your diaper on right. And try to reach for the wipe container to knock it over.
Your fake cough..then you laugh about it.
Listening to you ''talk to your animals''
How you love to sit with your mom and dad on the big couch.
Our noise competitions. And you always win.

Tagged by Miss Ashley

I am: The one and only...Miss MacKenzie Leigh
I want: To be truely happy instead of content.
I have:
A wonderful family.
I wish: I could open up to people so I didn't seem so stuck up.
I hate: Being alone. I sit and worry all night long.
I miss:
How things used to be between me and Jeff.
I hear: Birds and the lack of Jocelyn's swing. I'm pretty sure the batteries are dead.
I wonder: If I will know what I want to do with my life anytime soon?
I regret: Not giving people chances. I don't forgive and forget easily.
I am not: A very social person. I like to keep to myself.
I dance: All the time at the Rocket...I love it and it keeps me in shape.
I sing: In the car, to Jocelyn.
I cry: All the time. Little things bother me.
I am not always:
A caring wife.
I make with my hands: Messes.
I write: a lot. But all the stuff with meaning is private.
I confuse: Everyone who tries to figure me out.
I need: A lot of attention and to feel needed.
I should: Stop shopping to make myself feel better. I always spend too much.
I start: A lot of things and give up too easily.
I finish:
Stuff when I feel like it. I don't have a set schedule.


How cute is that?? Joss and her Daddy. The double J's. Don't mind the farmers tan Mr. Smith has...he can't help it. Since he is at the dealership outside in the sun and my dad is queer about the guys "looking professional" even though they just get dirty and wet from cleaning cars....he has to wear at least short sleeves...and pants, due to the wheel acid they use. If it eats holes in jeans imagine what it would do to your skin!?! EGH. Jocelyn has decided that she is a big girl and big girls only lay on their bellies. Today I flipped her over and she gave me the dirtiest look ever. Then she rolled back over on her belly and kept right on talking to her animals. She wouldn't even look my way. AND THE ATTITUDE HAS STARTED. hahaha

Yesterday we had some visitors. Adam, Amanda, and their 2 month old, Ayreonna came over to play...er...cry. LOL. Joss was trying to comfort little A but she wasn't having it. At least us momma's looked nice. :) BTW what is with the dads not being able to change a poo diaper? Adam was gagging while he tried to change Ayreonna's diaper....he made it to...opening it up. Then gave up. All I have to say is, What would they do without us girls? They would have babies with dirty diapers, no clean underwear, and no dinner. :)

While I was getting ready to go out to eat with Jeff, Jocelyn found herself in the mirror. Please excuse my wild ass hair and my face sans makeup. YIKES. She was so cute all cheesin' it up, I had to show it off!

Last night Jeff and I were having a great conversation. He just got a 2004 Yamaha Banshee and is super stoked about it. Well now...everything somehow includes the Banshee. Like last night. Jeff was talking about how Jocelyn needs a 4wheeler. Conversation went like this.
J: When J gets a little bigger I'm going to get her a 4wheeler.
M: Well, what if she doesn't want one?
J: She'll want one when she sees me riding mine.
M: Not if she's a girly girl like me.
J: Well, if she's girly...she can just get a pink one.
According to Jeff. The problem of being a girly girl is SOLVED. LOL I was laughing so hard because he was sooooo serious.
So...on another hilarious note...here is an old picture of me from my preggo days. I figured you all might need a great laugh on this wonderful Monday! (It came in the Nacho Libre DVD box) HAHAHA.

A peek inside...

Our bedroom/bathrooms. Yikes. I figured I would join the crowd on the "nightstand picture" game. Mine need a LOT of explaining. My night stand from Walmart (Why am I so addicted to buying stuff from that place??) is almost completely hidden by garbage bags full of clothes. This last weekend, Jeff and I did a whole house "remove anything that isn't needed" because with me being home all day long all week long I was starting to feel overrun by nonsense clutter. Egh. So I proceeded to clean Jocelyn's room first. Then emptied out her closet, which contained about 200 Honda Tuning/Sport Compact Car Magazines from before Jeff and I were even DATING each other. I then organized our closets and that is where the 3 bags of clothes came from. I think 2 whole bags are maternity clothes. (I went through this whole...buy everything I see stage around 7 months) And we have a few pictures from when I was nice and toned *sigh pre-Jocelyn Era and from the beautiful Florida * sigh again. And some candles because I'm obsessed with them and the same monitor as Nic's. Woohoo!

Now here is my bathroom. YAY! As you can see Jeff and I have SEPERATE bathrooms for reasons we will leave secrets. LOL (He said I can't tell) I should have opened my drawers and cupboards for the full effect...or maybe it's better that I don't. I have so much makeup, face product, hair product, etc...it's crazy.

And here is the MAN's bathroom. Crazy enough...it's "kinda" clean. The only thing I will do in here is shower...and brush my teeth....sometimes. LOL. I do not clean it. It was impossible to keep clean and that's part of the reason we have gone our seperate way's in the potty department. :)


Sound the Freakin' Alarms!

I'm actually posting on my blog today!!! LMAO

Yes, I know...I am the world's worst blogger this side of the Mississippi... but recently I've just been feeling so yucky. I don't want to do anything at all. It's aggrivating because I get these super awesome ideas of things "I want" to do....then I think about getting ready to go do them...and I TOTALLY lose interest. Which makes things that are supposed to be fun, a chore.

So my friend informed me that I would look better at my natural hair color then blonde/red for the summer, like I usually do. So, here is the new hair. ;) It looks even darker in person...but hell, at least it matches my eyebrows now! Hahaha This is the first time in....oh....6 years I have been my natural color without any added highlights/lowlights/etc. I think I have a serious hair coloring addiction. WOW. We'll just tack that up with the nails, tanning, and shopping...and we've got a full blown problem, that I don't mind having!!
Little Miss J's head scan came back "Perfectly normal besides the fact that her head is huge" according to Dr. Rouse. LMAO. Silly lady, I could have told you that. For God Sakes...she is wearing 12-15month old size hats! HAHA. I find it highly amusing that she has such a monster attached to her little body....yet, when other people make "funny" comments I get really defensive. Maybe that's because I still get called a bear skull, and my friends who own crotchrockets make fun of me because I have to bash my head against a wall to get their tiny ass helmets on my head. I need to invest in my own. Or just stop riding all together so my MIL can't bitch at me. (Like that will ever happen) HA Well, here's a pic of J that the Big J got of her....she likes to lay on the couch with us "big people". That smirk she has on her face....she gets from her dad! On her, it's cute...but on him, it means trouble. LOL.
Speaking of Jeff, the painting business is BUSY! Wheeeew. My parents are selling their house...sometime soon...so my mom is neutralizing the interior. FYI my grandparents and my parents swapped houses. They said the jetskiis on the lake made it hard to nap in the summer (no a/c) and that the house was too big. So....when I was 17 we swapped houses. Anyways, the point of this story is...my grandma is an artist. She doesn't like anything to match. Her house....was the same way. She had whitewashed cabinets in the kitchen from like 1992. Pink Countertops, blue tile floors that end abruptly to the linolium in the laundry area, which was yellow. Her carpet was fushia/pinkish in the living room/bedroom/and BATHROOM. Burgandy cabinets in the master bath with a bright pink marble looking countertop...the list can go on and on AND ON. So, as you can imagine...it needed a lot of work. Which includes Jeff painting the bathroom, the kitchen, the spare bedroom upstairs, the laundry room, and the inside of the garage. On top of the WCC job coming up around the 10th. And another lady that wants almost her whole main level of her house done and cabinets refinished. Plus, Mike who did my wonderful tattoo, wants his living room custom painted. I can't wait to see how that turns out. I'll have to post pictures. :) SHEESH. Sooo busy. I will be painting for the rest of my life from the looks of it. LOL Well, I'm off to watch Tyra! Hopefully, I can get back into this...since I know you all Looooooove my wonderful musings of my everyday stay at home life. ;)