
How cute is that?? Joss and her Daddy. The double J's. Don't mind the farmers tan Mr. Smith has...he can't help it. Since he is at the dealership outside in the sun and my dad is queer about the guys "looking professional" even though they just get dirty and wet from cleaning cars....he has to wear at least short sleeves...and pants, due to the wheel acid they use. If it eats holes in jeans imagine what it would do to your skin!?! EGH. Jocelyn has decided that she is a big girl and big girls only lay on their bellies. Today I flipped her over and she gave me the dirtiest look ever. Then she rolled back over on her belly and kept right on talking to her animals. She wouldn't even look my way. AND THE ATTITUDE HAS STARTED. hahaha

Yesterday we had some visitors. Adam, Amanda, and their 2 month old, Ayreonna came over to play...er...cry. LOL. Joss was trying to comfort little A but she wasn't having it. At least us momma's looked nice. :) BTW what is with the dads not being able to change a poo diaper? Adam was gagging while he tried to change Ayreonna's diaper....he made it to...opening it up. Then gave up. All I have to say is, What would they do without us girls? They would have babies with dirty diapers, no clean underwear, and no dinner. :)

While I was getting ready to go out to eat with Jeff, Jocelyn found herself in the mirror. Please excuse my wild ass hair and my face sans makeup. YIKES. She was so cute all cheesin' it up, I had to show it off!

Last night Jeff and I were having a great conversation. He just got a 2004 Yamaha Banshee and is super stoked about it. Well now...everything somehow includes the Banshee. Like last night. Jeff was talking about how Jocelyn needs a 4wheeler. Conversation went like this.
J: When J gets a little bigger I'm going to get her a 4wheeler.
M: Well, what if she doesn't want one?
J: She'll want one when she sees me riding mine.
M: Not if she's a girly girl like me.
J: Well, if she's girly...she can just get a pink one.
According to Jeff. The problem of being a girly girl is SOLVED. LOL I was laughing so hard because he was sooooo serious.
So...on another hilarious note...here is an old picture of me from my preggo days. I figured you all might need a great laugh on this wonderful Monday! (It came in the Nacho Libre DVD box) HAHAHA.


Emilie said...

Cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

OK I just tried to comment, sorry if you get it 10million times!! Just saying that Joss is super cute and your Nacho Libre pic is HILARIOUS!