
Hello Sophie

Baby meets the Persian, Sophie. Sophie meows at the baby, Jocelyn. Jocelyn laughs when Sophie meows because it comes out funny. Not like a normal cat meow. More like a coo, with her mouth closed, into a 'Bleeeeh' all while her tongue sticks out.

Jocelyn rolled around and tried to pet Sophie numerous times. But she just isn't fast enough yet. She is constantly looking for Sophie, just to get a quick laugh in.


Two teeth or not two teeth....that is the question!

I've been experiencing a crabby little child these past few days. At first I thought maybe she still wasn't over being sick....but it's not that.

It's her teeth!!!

They must really be bothering her because she whines/whimpers non-stop all day. Unless I'm holding her. And that with her being such a little worm, the holding lasts about 30minutes max.
So I started to explore last night. And sure enough, she has two bumps on her lower gums. Oh dear Lord, I pray, that they come in soon. I feel so bad for her. And I'm about to be a bald momma in a few more days. Just kiddin'!

Today we have had Tylenol, Orajel, and a teething ring at all times. I can't wait for them to pop thru. Babies with the two bottom teeth look so cute....like little bulldogs with an underbite. LOL


8 months on the 21st.

~ 19lb 4 oz
~ 26 1/4 in

~Stands on her own for few seconds, stands supported for a while.
~Rolls fast and continuously to get where she wants to be.
~Smiles on cue for the camera.
~Army crawls forward.
~Scoots backwards.
~Does 360's. To the right. (turns on her belly in a circle)
~Sits up straight on own.
~Whimpers when she's hungry or tired.
~Has full conversations with her toys.
~Screeches at the top of her lungs.
~Burps, sneezes, "fake" coughs, and farts all make her smile and giggle.
~Say's Ma and Na Na. So close to momma and dadda.
~Knows when she wants to be picked up.
~Snuggles before bed.
~Knows how to put spoon to mouth and drink out of a sippy cup with help.
~Eats cereal. And every fruit and veggie offered.
~Loves small pieces of rotisserie chicken.
~Also loves corn, green bean pieces and cheerios.
~Reaches for things. Especially necklaces, cellphones, and regular phone cords at work.
~Bouncing in her exersaucer and playing her piano are her fav's.
~Still loves toys that make crinkly sounds. And pigs. And cows are hilarious.
~Pets the kitties nicely.
~Likes to let big dogs lick her face and giggles.

And last but not least...we can finally see her neck!!! lol

Sick, Sick, and More Sick.

Yuck is all I have to say. We have had a sick house since last Monday. Jeff caught this weird virus that couldn't be treated with antibiotics. He was really achy, sore throat, fever, cough...the works. So he was out of commission for almost 3 days. And during those days he referred to me as the Lysol Queen. I sprayed everything. ALL day long. I was super careful about Jocelyn's room being shut off, both of us washing our hands, him not going anywhere near her, etc. and she STILL got sick. Luckily she didn't have a fever or cough but she did have a stuffy nose, which made her miserable. She would cry if I left her side....so our house looked like a tornado hit. LOL She started getting better on Sunday so yesterday we went to the lake with my sister Kate. It was really gloomy/rainy and we only stayed in the water long enough for Joss to get a massive amount of sand in her suit and start crying. But she did have fun trying to eat the sand and splash all around at the island. Plus mommy and Aunt Kate got to eat a Freddie's Freeze which always makes a gloomy day great. :)
Recently I've been trying to get Jocelyn to sleep at night without her swing. She is getting so big she can bounce it until it stops swinging and reach her animals in the mobile. (I think it's time we let it go, haha) I've been laying on the outside of the couch and let her have free reign of the inside. She loves the new fuzzy blanket I got from my MIL. And she's learning how to play peek-a-boo with it. Here she is finally asleep. She didn't fight it as much the second night. Eventually, I'll just transfer her to her crib and have her fall asleep on her own in there. If I put her in there now wide awake, even at bedtime, that little thing talks for over an hour to her pooh,eyore, and piglets.

Here are a few more pictures of my monster from last week. She was eyeballing my Mt. Dew at lunch so I let her play with the bottle. She loves green. Kate kept telling her to "hold it close" and she'd hold it like it was her best friend in the world. :)

Jocelyn also got the new Eddie Bauer CarSeat One question. How do mom's with small cars fit these giganto seats in their vehicles while still being able to have someone sit on the passenger side? Whew. It is seriously so big. I tried putting it in the middle. Then both front seats had to be almost straight up. Then I just put it on the passenger side. So that seat was straight up. Also, I'm driving an Explorer. Not to mention Jocelyn's head flopped forward even with the seat reclined because like almost every back seat, mine is on a slight decline....sigh. I figured either a child sitting straight up with a slumped over head rearfacing vs. a child sitting correct with it facing forward neither one seemed "more safe" that the other. So, she's facing forward. I mean, when I was little I sat facing forward in the FRONT seat in my carseat. There weren't any of these "everything is bad for babies" rules (as I call them) now...which pretty much make all us parents either look bad or be completely paranoid. hahaha. I guess I look bad. But the farthest I drive with Jocelyn in the car is maybe to Target/Meijer. About 2 miles away. All through town with speed limits under 40mph. How much of a possibility is there that we are going to get into a head on crash that will cause my daughters head to snap forward and hurt her neck? Very very slim. I figured the chances of getting rearended by a crazy Jackson driver were higher than a head on. And a child with a slumped over head and a rear end accident sounds pretty bad to me too. Pretty much a lose/lose situation huh? Anyways, Jocelyn loves being able to look out the windows now. She sings to herself every time we go to see daddy for lunch. No more naps in the car I guess.

Alright, I'm off to feed Joss lunch. All while crossing my fingers that my sore throat is just because. If I catch that virus I'm going to be out for weeks. Yeah, cause I'm a baby like that.


Storm's Aftermath

Just a few pictures of the bad storm we had...what...last week? I totally forgot I got some decent pictures. There was a whole rainbow over the trees but I couldn't get all of it because it was too close. I wish my camera had a better reaction time because then I could have gotten some sweet lightning pictures.

This is Jocelyn's new favorite thing to do. I tell her to "stannnnnd UP!" and she locks her legs then looks around the room to see who's watching. She finds it quite amusing. She won't laugh though...she just wrinkles her nose and snorts. Which in turn makes me laugh and then she'll give a little half hearted "Huuugh" type laugh. What a goof.
Speaking of goof, my mom was trying to get a good picture of Jocelyn for her cellphone background. Her camera on her phone is even slower than a digi cam so we could get her to smile but then she would go serious right as it snapped the picture. This is the face she kept doing instead of a "pretty" smile. Guess where she got that from? Yup, her dad. I can't make my eyebrows do that even if I try real hard.

This is the face that I usually get when I tell her to smile...what a cutie.

Soo close!

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. I really have no excuse except...I'm lazy. And that isn't an excuse. HAHA Anyways, Jocelyn and I were playing around the other day and I noticed she was trying to crawl. So I put her piano out of reach (only to the right so far) and she turns/army crawls to it. I'm so proud! Here's a clip. Sorry it's so long but I wanted to get her playing her piano for my Grandma to see. (She is an artist/piano player and thinks Joss already has "piano fingers") I think she does too! :) Enjoy!