
Two teeth or not two teeth....that is the question!

I've been experiencing a crabby little child these past few days. At first I thought maybe she still wasn't over being sick....but it's not that.

It's her teeth!!!

They must really be bothering her because she whines/whimpers non-stop all day. Unless I'm holding her. And that with her being such a little worm, the holding lasts about 30minutes max.
So I started to explore last night. And sure enough, she has two bumps on her lower gums. Oh dear Lord, I pray, that they come in soon. I feel so bad for her. And I'm about to be a bald momma in a few more days. Just kiddin'!

Today we have had Tylenol, Orajel, and a teething ring at all times. I can't wait for them to pop thru. Babies with the two bottom teeth look so cute....like little bulldogs with an underbite. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope she gets 'em soon and the pain is over with (for her AND for you, lol)! Just wait until she gets her pointy eye teeth... yeowch! Tiegan is on her very LAST one finally :)