
Wagon Wheels

As you can see by the look on Miss Fae's Face, she was totally excited about eating wagon wheels and peas. She is so good at picking up her own food (left handed for now I might add) and putting it in her mouth. I tried feeding her the 3rd Step foods, kinda mushy with small chunks of noodle/chicken) but it was too thick and made her gag. So, I decided to try a toddler dinner. She loves them. 1 usually lasts about 3 meals plus a bottle and sometimes a level 2 fruit. I just wanted to show how excited she was because I thought it was quite amusing.
These are random pictures. This is my cat Alex. He is almost 2 and very close to 20lbs. He's bigger than my parents cocker spaniel. It just amazes me at how large he is. I wish we didn't get him neutered because everyone who comes over wants a cat as big as Alex and really lovey like he is.

Tiegan came over the other day and I totally forgot I had these pictures on my camera. She wasn't too into having her picture taken...but she sure did like Jocelyn err Dah-lyn.

Joining the Crowd/ TFT

Here it is! My new hair. YAY! I didn't get cold feet (*Ahem...like someone I had to con back into getting her hair cut) Yeah, Ash, you can thank me later...haha Just Kidding!

I've just been having a BLAST trying new styles, seeing if it will make it into a ponytail or as I call it...a ponySTUB. So, after a few days of fiddling with it I finally got it to where I like it. Therefore, I have pictures now. I would have a face on picture if Jeff was ever home to take one. I swear he is working constantly and I never see him. *But I am by no means complaining* :)

I don't know why I just thought of this but Jocelyn decided to say Da Da a few weeks ago. Maybe I thought of this because I just read Leslie's blog and her little Reyna Bug decided to say Momma first....here I am sitting green with envy that my daughter didn't say momma. You know what she does if I try to have her say momma? She says DaaaaaDaaaaa all drawn out and then she laughs. Eviiiil. It's ok. I can deal.

Anyway, nothing new on the home front. I'm just patiently waiting to go to Flavor Fruit Farms this Saturday afternoon. I am so excited to pick out pumpkins, eat roasted almonds, and buy some apple cider. I think that Halloween and Christmas tie for the best holiday ever. Every year I say that I'm going to decorate all out for Halloween...Jeff and I live in condos so we have a community hallway. All of our "upstairs" neighbors are really cool and about our age so I'm thinking about decorating our hallway, our stairs, and the entryway. The older folks downstairs I know will really enjoy it. Jocelyn's going to trick or treat downstairs and then across the road....she has a lot of old people fans. :) Oh and BTW she is going to be THE SNAIL! It won by a landslide. (That was secretly my favorite too Jeff was rooting for the porcupine)

So my Thought For Thursday is pretty random. Just something that has been going on at home and wondered if anyone else out there can relate. I am by no means husband bashing either. It's just that my wonderful significant other doesn't like doing family things. Not neccessarily with our immediate family...I'm talking about just me, him, and Jocelyn. I.E. Conversation for this weekends trip to FFF went as follows:

M: Jeff, you know Meckleys out by my parents house? I thought it would be fun to go this Saturday after you get out of work to pick out pumpkins and let Joss pet the deer.

J: Do we have to go this Saturday?

M: Well, yeah my CLM group is going and I want to go too.

J: Can't you take Jocelyn by yourself?

M:I could but I want it to be a family thing. You won't be the only guy.

J: I just don't feel like doing it this Saturday. You should take Jocelyn by yourself.

For some reason I just can't see myself with a stroller, with her, trying to buy cider, and pumpkins by myself...hahaha. So guess what? Jeff is coming. Because I said so. HAHA

But seriously, does anyone else run into this? And it's not like he's shy or feels awkward, he just plain doesn't want to do it. Or another example would be going to get ice cream. He wants me to go get it and bring it back. Hmm....doesn't sound too smart to me, Mister. So, long story short, our "family" outtings always end up with Jeff not wanting to go, me getting upset, me telling him he HAS to go, and then he sulks the whole time. He'd much rather be with his friends than out with me and Jocelyn...and he'll tell you that too.

Is this just a new dad thing? I try to make things fun for all three of us. And he acts like Jocelyn is a burden (we got movies the other night and I wanted Jocelyn to come so I could go too) He said it would take too long and to just stay home when actually, her bag was packed, she had on her jammies, and I carry her/buckle her in...so whats the problem? She loves seeing new people and hadn't been out of the house all day.

So, similar stories, suggestions, anything to let me know I'm not the only one who get's ticked over no family activities...ANYTHING? I guess that turned more into a rant than a TFT. Whoops.


My Birthday Is In Two Weeks...

"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!

Friends and Family Fun-loving and willing to help out, the Libran makes an excellent friend. This flexible sign loves to spend time with friends and family, and doesn't hesitate to initiate gatherings. Sociable and suave, people are naturally drawn to the Libran. They have a way of creating an aura of harmony around them that's a real draw. When it comes to challenges, this balancing sign can see both perspectives in a disagreement, making them excellent problem-solvers. Companionable, they're apt to keep their friends and family busy.

Career and Money"Harmony" is the keyword for this sign. For the Libran, maintaining this is of the utmost importance. They can be excellent leaders, and will work hard to earn - and deserve - the privilege. Truth and justice always prevail for the Libran as they go about their days. Working with others or in a partnership is ideal for this social sign. Artistic and persuasive, these folks are gifted talkers who do well in any position that provides a platform for them to chat.Careers that involve justice such as police officer, lawyer, or judge are excellent choices for the Libran. They will also succeed at such occupations as diplomat, civil servant, interior decorator, composer and fashion designer. Group settings pose no challenge for the Libran - in fact, the more the merrier. Their strong sense of diplomacy serves well in almost anything they do.

If you go shopping with a Libran, best to plan some extra time! Balancing their money, however, is a snap for the Libran. Keeping a good balance between savings and spending money is a real talent for these folks. Their love of fashion and housewares can see them out and about in stores quite often. One of the Libran's favorite pastimes is to shop for someone special.

Love Finding the right partner will be a priority in the Libran's life. For those already in a relationship, maintaining the peace and harmony takes center stage. A Libran alone is a sad thing indeed, not to mention unnatural. They need to connect with others. As lovers they are expressive, creative, and balanced. They love to make their partners feel completely and thoroughly satisfied from conversation to lovemaking. The Libran's charm and dedication to striking the perfect balance with others makes them wonderful partners.


As Requested:

Jordan's hours at JC Penney's Salon are~

Monday 10-4
Wednesday 3-9pm
Thursday 10-4 ? (Might just be 3pm)
Saturday 9-3

I will ask her again when I go in on Saturday just to make sure I have them right. And if you get your hair done by her...make sure you let her know that I'm promoting her LOL


When Daddy's Away Jocelyn Will Play

Our child is so devious. All of daddy's DVD's are like his little babies. He always has to have the Special Edition DVD if one comes out and he keeps them pristine, dust free, and in their protective sleeves. So....I thought, what the hell...let's see if Jocelyn will throw them onto the floor. Sure enough she did. And she thoroughly enjoyed it! I don't know if the look on her face in this picture or the look on Jeff's face when he walked in on her doing it was more priceless. Let's just say I got a good laugh. :)
This is Jeff's 'niece' Jordan. Her step dad is Jeff's step brother. Confused yet? Anyway, she works at JC Penney Salon and she is going to cut my hair on Saturday. Like hers. So that's a good 6-7 inches off my hair...yikes. I'm nervous but like Ashley said, "Hair grows back, I say go for it!" We're going together. I need moral support.

My little sleeper. Her positions have been cracking me up lately. And God Forbid I put her in her swing to sleep. She wants her crib. That's it.
Except for sometimes at night. She sleeps with the blanket over her eyes to block the kitchen light. So funny.
The other night Joss was so fussy....very rare....and she was driving me nuts. So I put her in the laundry basket. And threw her baby socks at her. Which made her laugh so hard she snorted. And then put the baby sock in her mouth and growled at me. She's practicing being scary for Halloween. (Even though she is gonna be a snail) She just might be a growling one!


Jocelyn's Halloween Costume Poll

Please take into consideration...that all costumes will come with a BIG PINK BOW on the head to show the old people handing out candy that she is a girl. Yeah, she's almost bald...Still a girl.

Vote Here

Found on Zoe's Blog


Your Existing Situation
Volatile and outgoing. Needs to feel that events are developing along desired lines, otherwise irritation can lead to changeability or superficial activities.

Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Willing to participate and to allow herself to become involved, but tries to fend off conflict and disturbance in order to reduce tension.
Remains emotionally unattached even when involved in a close relationship.
Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but tends to hold aloof emotionally.

Your Desired Objective
Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish herself and to make herself independent despite the difficulties of her situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition.

Your Actual Problem
Strongly resists outside influence and any interference with her freedom to make her own decisions and plans. Works to establish and strengthen her own position.


Cars, Babies, and Rings

Jeff is on his way to get the Audi right now.

He is soooo excited. You have no idea.

This is his first loan "by himself" as he says....since he got out of the Air Force.
Going from the Air Force in Boise/Mountainhome Idaho back to sucky ol MI = no job for quite awhile. So getting back on track job/moneywise took awhile and he is finally able to finance in his name alone.
I have never seen someone get so excited for a car. I am happy for him :) It was a close call, the car's coming from a super wealthy kid from Farmington Hills....he's one of those people that if you don't do it his way...it isn't gonna happen at all. And as of yesterday he was entertaining other offers but luckily he didn't get any before Jeff got back from the bank and called him today. Whew.

Jocelyn went to her new Ped. last Friday. Thank you so MUCH Katie for recommending Dr. Jessica Williams at Jackson Pediatrics. OMG. She is so nice and caring and Jocelyn loves her! What a change from "Center for Family Health" Egh. Just typing it gives me the heebiejeebies. I hated that place. Anyway, she is doing really well. Everything is growing except her head which is perfect. Dr. Williams said she will for sure be a petite girl. (Duh, look at her momma at the whopping 5ft 1/2 in) And she told me to babyproof the house (check!) because she should be close to if not walking in about 6 weeks. AGGGHHHHHH!! We've been practicing our animal sounds. My pig noise makes her laugh...and she pretty much only enjoys making mooo's and Grrr's for cows and lions. So funny!

I came in to get her the other day from a nap and this is what I found. Question for all my mom blogger friends. What should I do with Jocelyn's crib? That is as low as her mattress goes and as high as the siderail goes...and obviously if she grows just a few more inches she will be able to lean/fall right over the edge! I'm already nervous with her pulling herself up like that and being so close to toppling over the edge. I'm about ready to just make her sleep in her pack and play b/c it has almost double the side height than her crib does....I mean what the heck? I just don't understand why the mattress doesn't go any lower!? AGGGH.
Ooooh and some more news. My birthday is October 7th plus mine and Jeff's "started dating" anniversary is 6 years on Sept 22nd so he decided to buy me a REAL wedding ring! YES. Yeah, I know how I've always said....the ring doesn't matter it's what it means that matters....but...it's nice to have a real diamond ring. What do you think? Tada!


Oh Dear Lord. Please Make It Stop.

Yes, I admit. I have been a Britney Spears fan wayyyy before her "two mistakes" were ever brought into this world by her fun loving ghetto fabulous ex-husband. She was such a great rolemodel and such a beautiful girl. When I was blonde I even got comments on how I looked like Miss Spears. It was flattery. Nowadays if you told me I looked like Britney...I would slap you. Why you ask? Well....I'm sure her "comeback" video from the VMA's will show you. Sad, Britney. Just real sad. I'm pretty sure she hasn't washed her hair in weeks. Besides the weave TOTALLY not matching her regular hair color, her botched haircut itself, airbrushed abs....and her wonderful "mommy pack" and excess boob spillage outta that jewel embossed bra she has on. She looks pretty BOOTYful to me too in her boycut undies. (I genuinely feel bad for her, really!)


PS You may think that your video feed is slow...and that it's not matching her mouth to her words or her dance steps to her music....but seriously...that's really how it looked on TV last night. Because that is actually how slow/fast she was compared to where she should be in her lipsynching and half assed "dancing." Ahhhh....I feel so much better. All I have to say is. I was and still am in complete shock and utter disappointment.

Althought her song is catchy.


Here is the new baby

She should be here very very soon. But then she will be shipped down to TPR in Cincinatti,OH to be tuned....er turned...into a MONSTER of an Audi. Ahhh.....I love fast cars. I love nice cars. And I really love NICE FAST cars. :)

Finally this death trap will be gone. Not that I didn't like it, it's pretty. But I consider it pretty much evil.

Why the heck does it have to rain on and off randomly ALLLL stinkin' day? I feel so sorry for Jeffory. Who is working at the American 1 Sears Car Sale today and tomorrow. He's probably gonna be pretty pissy when he gets home. Guess I should be a good housewife and go make dinner instead of blogging. TTYL!

Yes, my child is sleeping

Standing up. In her Exersaucer. How flippin' funny is that???