
Cars, Babies, and Rings

Jeff is on his way to get the Audi right now.

He is soooo excited. You have no idea.

This is his first loan "by himself" as he says....since he got out of the Air Force.
Going from the Air Force in Boise/Mountainhome Idaho back to sucky ol MI = no job for quite awhile. So getting back on track job/moneywise took awhile and he is finally able to finance in his name alone.
I have never seen someone get so excited for a car. I am happy for him :) It was a close call, the car's coming from a super wealthy kid from Farmington Hills....he's one of those people that if you don't do it his way...it isn't gonna happen at all. And as of yesterday he was entertaining other offers but luckily he didn't get any before Jeff got back from the bank and called him today. Whew.

Jocelyn went to her new Ped. last Friday. Thank you so MUCH Katie for recommending Dr. Jessica Williams at Jackson Pediatrics. OMG. She is so nice and caring and Jocelyn loves her! What a change from "Center for Family Health" Egh. Just typing it gives me the heebiejeebies. I hated that place. Anyway, she is doing really well. Everything is growing except her head which is perfect. Dr. Williams said she will for sure be a petite girl. (Duh, look at her momma at the whopping 5ft 1/2 in) And she told me to babyproof the house (check!) because she should be close to if not walking in about 6 weeks. AGGGHHHHHH!! We've been practicing our animal sounds. My pig noise makes her laugh...and she pretty much only enjoys making mooo's and Grrr's for cows and lions. So funny!

I came in to get her the other day from a nap and this is what I found. Question for all my mom blogger friends. What should I do with Jocelyn's crib? That is as low as her mattress goes and as high as the siderail goes...and obviously if she grows just a few more inches she will be able to lean/fall right over the edge! I'm already nervous with her pulling herself up like that and being so close to toppling over the edge. I'm about ready to just make her sleep in her pack and play b/c it has almost double the side height than her crib does....I mean what the heck? I just don't understand why the mattress doesn't go any lower!? AGGGH.
Ooooh and some more news. My birthday is October 7th plus mine and Jeff's "started dating" anniversary is 6 years on Sept 22nd so he decided to buy me a REAL wedding ring! YES. Yeah, I know how I've always said....the ring doesn't matter it's what it means that matters....but...it's nice to have a real diamond ring. What do you think? Tada!


Anonymous said...

ahhh I'm so jealous of the Audi!!! It's beauuutiful!

Nicole said...

Your ring is gorgeous! I like it. Its totally different, and cool!

As for Joss's crib... I have no idea what to suggest. P's mattress is all the way down (like you, we moved it down once he started standing in bed), but you can see from the pictures I posted a few days ago how tall he is compared to his rails. And he's 18 months old. So, it seems that Joss's crib should (to be safe) be much lower... its odd that at 8 months old (or is it 9?), that she is that far above the rail. Maybe one of those crib tent things? I dunno... Hopefully someone else will have a suggestion! Try posting on CLM.

Anonymous said...

The ring is beautiful. Great choice.

As for the crib, ask Nicole. I know that she is having problems with P climbing out of bed.

We have our first appt. with Dr. Williams in October. We used to see Dr. Morrow, but she left. I am glad that you liked her. It gives me peace of mind knowing that someone else has already met her. :)

Katie said...

Oh, good!! I'm glad you like Dr. Williams...I thought she was really great when Donnie saw her at his last check-up.

I like the ring....it's kinda vintage looking, really cool!

Wish, I would have known your hubby was working the car sale....we could've hung out, being single moms for the evenings!!

Zoe said...

I couldn't see the ring :( I would take the bumper down in the crib..you'd be amazed at how much extra footing that gives them. Dr. Williams is super nice. We are loving her up in MCN.